Posts Tagged "reality"

On Partnership and Reality

“Spiritual Partnership” … The new female and the new male are partners on a journey of spiritual growth. They want to make the journey. Their love and trust keep them together. Their intuition guides them. They consult with each other. They are friends. They laugh a lot. They are equals. That is what a spiritual partnership is: a partnership between equals for the purpose of...

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A Reminder….

Insight by Alan Cohen Graphic by Paul...

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Your Choice and Purpose

“If you are here on earth wearing the human instrument, you are here out of choice and purpose. The choice was made to experience this time, this alignment with the galactic center, and the intensification of the creation beam of First Source. The purpose was to ease the experience of shifting from the old systems and reality models to the new, both for societies and individuals, as well as...

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Liberate Your Imagination

Let me remind you who you really are: You’re an immortal freedom fighter who longs to liberate all sentient creatures from their suffering. You’re a fun-loving messiah who devoutly wants to help all of your fellow messiahs claim the ecstatic awareness that is their birthright. Try to remember. You’re a vortex of fluidic light that has temporarily taken on the form of a human...

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The menu is not the dinner

…the symbol is not the reality. The map is not the territory. The menu is not the dinner. The experience is not its measurement. However, our compulsion to do this all the time creates a mad and demented and crazy world. In valuing the symbols and ignoring the reality, we rape the earth, destroy the forests and murder ourselves and our ecosystem. If you think money is wealth, you will...

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The Possibility of Being Wrong

Have you considered the possibility that everything you believe is wrong, not merely off a bit, but totally wrong, nothing like things as they really are? If you’ve done this, you know how durably fragile those phantoms we hold in our heads are, those wisps of thought that people die and kill for,betray lovers for, give up lifelong friendships for. If you’ve not done this, you probably...

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Your consciousness is a miracle

I dream that I love everything about my life. I dream that each event I have ever experienced or will ever experience is precious and glorious, even the painful interludes. I dream that I have personal possession of the universe’s most monumental and mysterious accomplishment: “consciousness.” I have a visceral insight about the mercurial flash and shimmer that ceaselessly...

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The transition of Despair

Those who are in despair over the state of the planet, ask yourselves: Does your despair take into account the powers and possibilities that these stories imply? Could it be that despair shunts miracles out of reality, making it so they do not happen, never have, and never will? Don’t worry. Despair is a normal transition zone born of the realization of the futility of control. You needn’t...

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Your purpose

                        Your purpose on earth is to take any and all appearances of fear, lack, and limitation, and demonstrate to yourself and others that none of them have reality or power over you. —– Seek life. Feel life. Know life. Live life. Love life. Give life. Be life. —– What you condemn you continue. Focus on where...

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Reality Is…What?

The net of our thought can only grasp fragmented concepts about reality, but reality as such is always beyond its reach. So, the inadequacy of our conceptual maps for a full understanding of reality pushes us to make them more and more intricate, on the assumption that, once they become complex enough, then they will finally be able to grasp the whole ‘truth’ from every possible point of...

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