Posts Tagged "blessings"

This Surprising Truth

This I say from my dwelling place within your heart: Do not miss me in your focus at the world. I am the orange glow of dawn, sun the color of monk’s robes shining equally upon all beings. I am your frustration as you seek me and come up empty. I am the dusty web you sweep down from the ceiling, and the spider who races into hiding when you clean. I am disbelief, devotion, grief, joy, and...

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A Lakota Prayer

Great Mystery, teach me how to trust my heart, my mind, my intuition, my inner knowing, the senses of my body, the blessings of my spirit. Teach me to trust these things so that I may enter my Sacred Space and love beyond my fear, and thus Walk in Balance with the passing of each glorious...

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Your Imagination

Your imagination is the single most important asset you possess. It’s your power to create mental pictures of things that don’t exist yet and that you want to bring into being. It’s the magic wand you use to shape your future. And so in your own way, you are a prophet. You generate countless predictions every day. Your imagination is the source, tirelessly churning out images...

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You’re It!

God Disguised As a myriad things and Playing a game of tag Has kissed you and said, “You’re it! — I mean you’re REALLY IT!” Now It does not matter What you believe or feel For something wonderful Major-league Wonderful Is someday going To Happen. ——...

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Bless my Heart…

The road of life gives us many opportunities to bless every heart . Consider the following possibilities; What if I bless my heart all the time no matter what? What If I honor and bless myself for who I am right now? What if I bless my heart, because it feels good? What if I bless the hearts of my family and friends? What if I bless the hearts of strangers as they pass by? What if I decide to see...

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I release …

I release my parents from the feeling that they have already failed me. I release my children from the need to bring pride to me; that they may write their own ways according to their hearts, that whisper all the time in their ears. I release my partner from the obligation to complete myself. I do not lack anything, I learn with all beings all the time. I thank my grandparents and...

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I Wish I Could Speak Like Music

 I wish I could speak like music. I wish I could put the swaying splendor Of the fields into words So that you could hold Truth Against your body And dance. I am trying the best I can With this crude brush, the tongue, To cover you with light. I wish I could speak like divine music. I want to give you the sublime rhythms Of this earth and the sky’s limbs As the joyously spin and...

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All we need

All we need is the morning. As long as there is sunrise, then there is the possibility that we can face all of our misfortunes, celebrate all our blessings, and live all our endeavors as human beings. Spirituality is something that has become necessary in these troubled times. Yet it is inherently superfluous. We need it to remind ourselves, to bolster ourselves, to integrate ourselves, to...

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Shadow Blessings

Life is a vast and intricate conspiracy that’s guaranteed to keep you well supplied with blessings. What kind of blessings? Ten million dollars, a gorgeous physique, a perfect marriage, a luxurious home, and high status? Maybe. But it’s just as likely that the blessings will be interesting surprises, dizzying adventures, gifts you hardly know what to do with, and conundrums that dare...

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I was born for you; what do you want of me, dear? Look at all that has come from your wish: the forests, the streams, the mountains the fields, every creature: are these not your playmates? Do we give you comfort, God, in Eternity? We were born for You; don’t be shy. Beloved. Just tell us what You want but in a language that makes us smile. —St Theresa of...

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