One and Two are Both True

“I am everywhere present,” said
the Lord. Seek me in the stately
trees or the melodies of sparrows
and you will surely find me.
Look for me in the Buddha’s
smile, the countenance of Christ,
the words of the Koran and Sanskrit
prayers. I am always there. Turn
your attention to the sky where the
movements of moon and stars trace my beauty.
Experience true emptiness and my presence permeates the void.
Now bring your focus closer to your heart. Grow still and find me within you. Separation dissolves like salt in water when you experience your true identity as me. From knower and perceived, seer and seen, from two comes One.
Practice devotion and let go into the ocean of my love, or be the open space from which all things arise.
One and two, duality and union, are both true.
So I say to you be jubilant, and be at peace,
for inside you is the seed and fruit, the tree and root.
Choose to be in communion with
me and see the whole of this
creation infused with one energy.
—-Danna Faulds
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Posted by | Paul Reynolds

“Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi, or Zen. Not any religion or cultural system…..” - Rumi

For over 30 years Paul Reynolds has collected and shared inspiration from a wide variety of sources. Embracing the philosophy that at the core of all these expressions is the reminder that we are loved and supported every moment. This unending stream of inspiration, imagination and wisdom is posted via his weekly ‘Living the Question Blog’, which has become ‘home’ for those discoveries. If you would like to receive the readings and share them with those you feel will benefit, please fill out the ‘Subscribe’ form to the right and Paul’s selections will come to your email every Friday.

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